Keyboard mouse not working macos virtualbox
Keyboard mouse not working macos virtualbox

keyboard mouse not working macos virtualbox keyboard mouse not working macos virtualbox

One possible cause is that you are working with outdated Guest Additions. In practice, I found that copy/paste often isn’t working properly. Shared clipboard in VM settings Update Guest Additions ^ The VM settings can be opened in the VirtualBox Manager or through the key combination HOST + S. You also can enable copy/paste in the VM’s General settings on the Advanced Tab. I usually enable bidirectional shared clipboard when I am working with multiple virtual machines, so I can copy and paste from VM to VM. If you are testing software that you don’t trust, you might want to only enable Host To Guest. After you reboot the virtual machine, you can enable copy/paste on the Devices menu of the VM under Shared Clipboard. To install the Guest Additions launch VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe.

keyboard mouse not working macos virtualbox

The Guest Additions CD image should be mapped to drive D.

Keyboard mouse not working macos virtualbox